
A 501(c)4 Political Non-Profit Corporation

“Our country will never again be fiscally sound without a federal spending limit amendment” – Gen 2 Founders

Federal Spending Limit Amendment

The Amendment

Limits total federal spending during the fiscal year to a predetermined amount (% of total AGI, reported by states).

Changing the Limit

Amount can be adjusted by resolution of 2/3 of states.

Seven Years to Solvency

Phased-in spending reductions to eliminate deficit

Why the Time is Right for a Fiscal Responsibility Convention of States

(Constitution Article V)

The 1970s produced bell bottoms and some great music. But they were a time of economic turmoil and discontent. There was a keen sense that US fiscal affairs were badly mismanaged and that, as a result, ordinary citizens were being strongly and negatively impacted by run-away inflation. It was a painful decade. Hence, as shown below in Charts 1 and 2, the number of state applications exploded for an Article V Convention of States to propose one or more amendments to the Constitution to restore fiscal responsibility by the federal government. Although scattered applications for such a Convention had been made previously, the bulk (26) of the 34 applications needed to require Congress to set the time and place of a Convention of States were made in the 1970s. The required number of 34 state applications was reached at the end of the decade in 1979.

Today, similar conditions have arrived or are threatened. The current fiscal recklessness of our federal government is unprecedented and breathtaking. Spending and inflation are both out of control. The resulting suffering by ordinary Americans is real and often tragic. The need for a Convention of States addressing fiscal responsibility has never been greater.

Congress and Article V: Inadvertence or Neglect?

As shown in Charts 1 and 2 below, a Convention of States addressing responsibility should have been called in 1979. It should still be called today. The obligation of Congress to call such a Convention remains and has never been discharged.

The sad truth? Whether by inadvertence or neglect, state applications for a Convention of States have not been properly counted and accounted for by Congress.

Unfortunately, Congressional leaders may have to be dragged by judicial order, kicking and screaming, for the required Convention of States to be called. The guiding principles for such an action are as follows:

• State applications may be rescinded but do not expire.

• Once the threshold number of 34 state applications has been reached (Convention Trigger), subsequent recissions do not remove or negate that trigger.

• Compliance by Congress (Congressional leaders) can be judicially compelled.

Chart 1 - Fiscal Responsibility State Applications by year.
Chart 2 - Cummulative State fiscal responsibility applications

Your Donation Will


Provide new energy and impetus to the existing, successful Convention of States movement, which is more than a third of the way toward convening an Article V Convention.


Fund an awareness campaign and rally the support of freedom-loving citizens throughout our nation


Highlight the need for a FEDERAL SPENDING LIMIT AMENDMENT, in addition to a Balanced Budget Amendment, in order to truly rein in the federal government’s fiscal recklessness